From 1991 to 2005, LAUGH MAGAZINE published 24 editions and one special edition which offered biographies, episode guides and discographies about the greatest comedy performers and programmes of the 20th century.

Using information obtained from the archives of the BBC, NBC, CBS, the Library of Congress, the Lincoln Center, UCLA and USC, plus thousands of hours research through vintage newspapers, radio and TV guides, and consultation with a worldwide network of collectors, the result was a selection of the most comprehensive itemisations ever compiled.

Each A4 edition ran 24 pages and featured a mix of items about radio and television series, and comedy greats from Britain, the United States and Australia.

It was the forerunner of this website.

Issue #1 (1991)

Barry Humphries
Jack Benny on television
The Young Ones
Band Waggon
Monty Python on record

Issue #2 (1991)

Not Only … But Also
The Marx Bros. on record
Steptoe & Son
Police Squad
George Wallace
Craig Ferguson on record

Issue #3 (1992)

Tom Lehrer
The Doctor movies
Roy Rene
The Goodies
Eddie Cantor

Issue #4 (1992)

Fred Allen
The Doctor television series
Bob Newhart on record
Norman Gunston
Not The Nine O’clock News

Issue #5 (1992)

Take It From Here
Abbott & Costello
Victor Borge
Black Adder
Yes, What!

Issue #6 (1993)

Dad’s Army
Steve Martin
Lenny Henry
Jimmy Durante
John Clarke

Issue #7 (1993)

Ronnie Barker
Stan Freberg
Billy Connolly on record
Graham Kennedy

Issue #8 (1993)

Amnesty Concerts
Danny Kaye
Jasper Carrott
Phyllis Diller on record
Britcoms Down Under

Issue #9 (1994)

The Honeymooners
Paul Hogan
Beyond Our Ken
Allan Sherman on record
The Rag Trade

Issue #10 (1994)

Sid James on television
Shelley Berman on record
Flanders & Swann
The Burkiss Way
1980s Australian television comedy

Issue #11 (1995)

On The Buses
Mae West
Weird Al Yankovic
The Mavis Bramston Show
Spike Milligan on television

Issue #12 (1995)

Peter Cook
Burns & Allen on radio
Rising Damp
The Goon Show on record
My Name’s McGooley

Issue #13 (1995)

Round The Horne
Marty Feldman
Burns & Allen on television
Dick Bentley
Allen & Rossi on record

Issue #14 (1996)

Rutland Weekend Television
George Burns solo career
Life With The Lyons
Steven Wright on record
The Naked Vicar Show

Issue #15 (1996)

Rik Mayall & Adrian Edmondson
Don Adams on record
Kingswood Country

Issue #16 (1997)

Please Sir
Bob Hope & Bing Crosby
Max Miller on record
Sledge Hammer
Will Rushton
Kevin “Bloody” Wilson

Issue #17 (1997)

W.C. Fields
St. Trinian’s movies
Joyce Grenfell
Family Ties
Mother And Son
Woody Allen on record

Issue #18 (1998)

Jack Benny on radio
Radio Active
The 2000-Year-Old Man
Gerard Hoffnung
Acropolis Now

Issue #19 (1999)

Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In
Man About The House
Hey, Dad
George Carlin on record

Issue #20 (1999)

Frankie Howerd
Up Pompeii
Jonathan Winters on record
All Together Now
George Formby on record

Issue #21 (2000)

Flip Wilson
To The Manor Born
Ward Leopold on record
Victoria Wood

Issue #22 (2001)

Will Hay
Richard Pryor on record
Benny Hill
Vintage Australian radio comedy
Yes Minister

Issue #23 (2002)

Comic Relief
Father, Dear Father
Lenny Bruce
Ted Ray
Anna Russell
Slightly Out To Lunch

Issue #24 (2005)

Morecambe & Wise
Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy
Educating Archie
Till Death Us Do Part
Something To Shout About
Three’s A Crowd

Special Release – The Goodies Fact File (1997)

I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again
Broaden Your Mind
The Goodies
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue

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